5 Quick Cleaning Projects in 20 Minutes or Less
Got 20 Minutes?Mop the bathroom floors
Grab a bucket and your favorite mop and give some TLC to your bathroom floors. Focus on corners and stuck-on materials first and then spread out to the cleaner parts of the room.
Got 15 Minutes?
Clean mirrors and windows in two rooms
Pick two rooms, bedrooms or sitting rooms, and focus on the windows. With glass cleaner in hand, start from the top and work your way down, making sure not to leave any streaks. For an old-fashioned trick, use newspaper to make the windows sparkle.
Got 10 Minutes?
Dust the living room
Electronics and lamps can get dusty quickly. Take a feather duster or dust-removing spray and get behind all of the nooks and crannies in your entertainment system and surrounding surfaces.
Got 5 Minutes?
Empty and replace trash bins
Grab a large garbage bag and go from room to room in your home and empty out trash bins.
Got 1 Minute?
Take dirty dishes to the kitchen
Grab all of the cups, plates, and rogue cutlery around the house and take them directly to the sink or dishwasher.
I real dont know about you other Malkiaz, but as for me i am crazy about color, creativity and simplicity. A recreationed home gets me feeling relaxed and a great peace of mind. As i crossed arround home designer webs i desided to sell you some great ideas on how you could furnish your home, the best Palace ever.
Note; money is nessesary but still not all money can buy, such as great art and creativity which is human natured.
So Malkiaz don't wory about Money, you just need to make a plan and do it.
Things to consider:
1. Avoid over crowding of things; since most of us African Malkia keep old stuff that are not in use for nothing......forgeting that they will depreciate.
2. Make sure there is enough light; good ventilation, if you are not in favour of that then free enough space
3. Whatever you do share idea for a diversity of option; especially when you residing with another person or may be family
4. Try to be yourself to bring up a uniquness; incase its your home, otherwise just share ideas
I will start with Livingroom, bedroom, kitchen etc.

The city behind the couch is just a wall paper with a variety, most us don't do that but you could apply the look with a great potrait of yourself, your family. You should consider a little bit of African culture. i remember i went to a home of a woman of my tribe Nyakyusa-Tanzania she had put Mkeka of good art at the wall, i liked it. Most African home prefer to put couch cloth crafted by the Malkiaz, ofcourse its good although it brings about complications, mind you according to me..
well the above picture gives us insight of a mirror, good curtains, semi gardens at the windows.
Somthing you shouldn't forget while designing your home is a combination of furniture and accessories.
you could choose wood, glass or plastic and end up with a perfect home.
Well this kind of carpet realy drew my attention, i guess beause am in love with something unique and weird atimes. Check out how the carpet is being couch too. You may not want to put this in your living room, but remember good home design doesn't necessarily need so much furniture. Just use your resources, right?
This could be fixed in anyone's living room depending on your test. its wood, but can be colored for a bright look too.
Look at the cloth patterns of these sofas.....its cool although not African. i like its diversity of color and all around the living room, so much color with good look. Now emagine Vitenge or Kanga patterns, you could even mix it with your lether couch.
This is a small room to which most of us start with to gain the mansion of your own; am talking about them spinster malkiaz out there. This room is well furnished but don't have excessive rubbish, i mean too many unwanted things which we can not give out..!!
hanging hooks of different designs could add up your home a fantastic designer look.
this is how you would arrange your clothes. U dont' neccessary need a big complicated wardrobe to have a neat home, what you have in mind can work out the best for you. Just a little mind twist with great outcome.
With this i bring you one of unique utensil to compliment your kitchen.