Royal Palace Of Your Own

Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
What is said is done, It can not be orturned. You should focus on great achivement,
Monday, October 4, 2010
GARDENIA: You're lovely, secret love, joy, sweet love, good luck.
GARLIC CHIVES: Protection, courage, strength.
GERANIUM: Stupidity, folly, comfort, gentility. Associated with the fourth wedding anniversary.
GINGER: Strength, safe, pleasant, warming, comforting.
GLADIOLUS: Strength of character, remembrance, infatuation, splendid beauty, give me a break, I'm really sincere, flower of the Gladiators, admiration, tells recipients that they pierce the heart like a sword. Because the gladiolus has blade-shaped leaves, the name comes from the Latin word gladius which means sword. Also the birth flower for August.
GLOXINA: Love at first sight.
GOLDENROD: Encouragement.
HAZEL: Reconciliation.
HEATHER, LAVENDER: Admiration, solitude, beauty.
HEATHER, WHITE: Protection, wishes will come true.
HEN-AND-CHICKENS: Welcome home husband however drunk you are.
HIBISCUS: Delicate beauty.
HOLLY: Foresight, defense, domestic happiness, enchantment.
HOLLY BERRIES: Christmas joy.
HOLLYHOCK: Ambition, fruitfulness. Associated with the thirteenth wedding anniversary.
HONEYSUCKLE: Bonds of love, generous, devoted affection.
HOPS: Mirth.
HOSTA: Devotion.
HUCKLEBERRY: Simple pleasure.
HYACINTH: Sport, play, games, rashness, flower dedicated to Apollo.
HYACINTH, BLUE: Constancy.
HYACINTH, PURPLE: I am sorry, sorrow, please forgive me.
HYACINTH, WHITE: Loveliness, I'll pray for you.
HYDRANGEA: Thank you for understanding, frigidity, heartlessness, heartless.
IRIS: Wisdom, Fleur-de-lis, emblem of France, valued friendship, faith, hope, valor, my compliments, passion. Associated with the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.
IRIS, BLUE: Faith, hope.
IRIS, PURPLE: Wisdom, compliments.
IRIS, YELLOW: Passion.
IRIS, WHITE: Purity.
IVY: Fidelity, wedded love, friendship, affection, marriage.
IXIA: Happiness.
JACK-IN-THE-PULPIT: Associated with the seventh wedding anniversary.
JACOB'S LADDER: Come down.
JASMINE, WHITE or INDIAN: Amiability , I attach myself to you, sensuality, attachment.
JASMINE, YELLOW: Grace, elegance.
JONQUIL: Sympathy , love me, affection returned, desire.
JUNIPER: Protection.
LADY'S SLIPPER: Capricious beauty, win me.
LAMB'S-EARS: Support.
LANTANA: Rigour.
LARKSPUR: Fickleness, ardent attachment, levity, lightness. Also the birthflower for July.
LARKSPUR, PINK: Fickleness.
LAUREL: Glory, success.
LAVENDER: Devotion, happiness, success, luck, distrust.
LEMON BLOSSOMS: Faithful love.
LILAC: Youthful, humility, confidence.
LILY: Majesty, wealth, pride, innocence, purity.
LILY, WHITE: Purity, modesty, virginity, majesty, it's heavenly to be with you. The white lily is linked to Juno, the queen of the gods in Roman mythology, by the story that while nursing her son Hercules, some excess milk fell from the sky creating the group of stars we call the Milky Way, and lilies were created from what milk fell to the earth. The Easter lily is also known as the symbol of the Virgin Mary.
LILY, ORANGE: flame, I burn for you.
LILY, YELLOW: I'm walking on air, false, gay.
LILY OF THE VALLEY: Return of happiness, purity of heart, sweetness, tears of the Virgin Mary, you've made my life complete, humility, happiness, love's good fortune. The legend of the lily of the valley is that it sprang from Eve's tears when she was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. It is also believed that this flower protects gardens from evil spirits. Also known as the flower of May.
LIVE OAK: Liberty.
LOTUS BLOSSOM: Estranged love.
MAGNOLIA: Dignity, love of nature, nobility.
MAPLE: Reserve.
MARIGOLD: Affection, cruelty, grief, jealousy. The marigold was called Mary's Gold by early Christians who placed garlands of marigolds by statues of the Virgin Mary.
MARIGOLD, POT: Grief, despair.
MARJORAM: Blushes.
MIMOSA: Sensitivity.
MINT: Virtue, warmth, protection.
MISTLETOE: Kiss me, affection, to surmount difficulties, sacred plant of India.
MONKSHOOD: Beware, a deadly foe is near, danger.
MORNING GLORY: Loves you, affection. Associated with the eleventh wedding anniversary.
MOSS: Maternal love, charity.
MUSHROOM: Suspicion.
MYRRH: Gladness.
MYRTLE: Love, Hebrew emblem of marriage.
NARCISSUS: Egotism, conceit, self love, self admiration, formality, stay as sweet as you are. Also known as the birthflower for December.
NASTURTIUM: Conquest, victory in battle, patriotism. Associated with the fortieth wedding anniversary.
OAK LEAVES: Bravery.
OAK TREE: Hospitality.
OLEANDER: Caution.
ORANGE BLOSSOMS/FLOWERS: Purity, innocence, eternal love, marriage and fruitfulness, fertility, pure loveliness, chastity.
ORANGE TREE: Generosity.
ORCHID: Rare beauty, love, refinement, beautiful lady, Chinese symbol for many children, mature charm, beauty, long life. Associated with twenty-eighth wedding anniversary.
GARLIC CHIVES: Protection, courage, strength.
GERANIUM: Stupidity, folly, comfort, gentility. Associated with the fourth wedding anniversary.
GINGER: Strength, safe, pleasant, warming, comforting.
GLADIOLUS: Strength of character, remembrance, infatuation, splendid beauty, give me a break, I'm really sincere, flower of the Gladiators, admiration, tells recipients that they pierce the heart like a sword. Because the gladiolus has blade-shaped leaves, the name comes from the Latin word gladius which means sword. Also the birth flower for August.
GLOXINA: Love at first sight.
GOLDENROD: Encouragement.
HAZEL: Reconciliation.
HEATHER, LAVENDER: Admiration, solitude, beauty.
HEATHER, WHITE: Protection, wishes will come true.
HEN-AND-CHICKENS: Welcome home husband however drunk you are.
HIBISCUS: Delicate beauty.
HOLLY: Foresight, defense, domestic happiness, enchantment.
HOLLY BERRIES: Christmas joy.
HOLLYHOCK: Ambition, fruitfulness. Associated with the thirteenth wedding anniversary.
HONEYSUCKLE: Bonds of love, generous, devoted affection.
HOPS: Mirth.
HOSTA: Devotion.
HUCKLEBERRY: Simple pleasure.
HYACINTH: Sport, play, games, rashness, flower dedicated to Apollo.
HYACINTH, BLUE: Constancy.
HYACINTH, PURPLE: I am sorry, sorrow, please forgive me.
HYACINTH, WHITE: Loveliness, I'll pray for you.
HYDRANGEA: Thank you for understanding, frigidity, heartlessness, heartless.
IRIS: Wisdom, Fleur-de-lis, emblem of France, valued friendship, faith, hope, valor, my compliments, passion. Associated with the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.
IRIS, BLUE: Faith, hope.
IRIS, PURPLE: Wisdom, compliments.
IRIS, YELLOW: Passion.
IRIS, WHITE: Purity.
IVY: Fidelity, wedded love, friendship, affection, marriage.
IXIA: Happiness.
JACK-IN-THE-PULPIT: Associated with the seventh wedding anniversary.
JACOB'S LADDER: Come down.
JASMINE, WHITE or INDIAN: Amiability , I attach myself to you, sensuality, attachment.
JASMINE, YELLOW: Grace, elegance.
JONQUIL: Sympathy , love me, affection returned, desire.
JUNIPER: Protection.
LADY'S SLIPPER: Capricious beauty, win me.
LAMB'S-EARS: Support.
LANTANA: Rigour.
LARKSPUR: Fickleness, ardent attachment, levity, lightness. Also the birthflower for July.
LARKSPUR, PINK: Fickleness.
LAUREL: Glory, success.
LAVENDER: Devotion, happiness, success, luck, distrust.
LEMON BLOSSOMS: Faithful love.
LILAC: Youthful, humility, confidence.
LILY: Majesty, wealth, pride, innocence, purity.
LILY, WHITE: Purity, modesty, virginity, majesty, it's heavenly to be with you. The white lily is linked to Juno, the queen of the gods in Roman mythology, by the story that while nursing her son Hercules, some excess milk fell from the sky creating the group of stars we call the Milky Way, and lilies were created from what milk fell to the earth. The Easter lily is also known as the symbol of the Virgin Mary.
LILY, ORANGE: flame, I burn for you.
LILY, YELLOW: I'm walking on air, false, gay.
LILY OF THE VALLEY: Return of happiness, purity of heart, sweetness, tears of the Virgin Mary, you've made my life complete, humility, happiness, love's good fortune. The legend of the lily of the valley is that it sprang from Eve's tears when she was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. It is also believed that this flower protects gardens from evil spirits. Also known as the flower of May.
LIVE OAK: Liberty.
LOTUS BLOSSOM: Estranged love.
MAGNOLIA: Dignity, love of nature, nobility.
MAPLE: Reserve.
MARIGOLD: Affection, cruelty, grief, jealousy. The marigold was called Mary's Gold by early Christians who placed garlands of marigolds by statues of the Virgin Mary.
MARIGOLD, POT: Grief, despair.
MARJORAM: Blushes.
MIMOSA: Sensitivity.
MINT: Virtue, warmth, protection.
MISTLETOE: Kiss me, affection, to surmount difficulties, sacred plant of India.
MONKSHOOD: Beware, a deadly foe is near, danger.
MORNING GLORY: Loves you, affection. Associated with the eleventh wedding anniversary.
MOSS: Maternal love, charity.
MUSHROOM: Suspicion.
MYRRH: Gladness.
MYRTLE: Love, Hebrew emblem of marriage.
NARCISSUS: Egotism, conceit, self love, self admiration, formality, stay as sweet as you are. Also known as the birthflower for December.
NASTURTIUM: Conquest, victory in battle, patriotism. Associated with the fortieth wedding anniversary.
OAK LEAVES: Bravery.
OAK TREE: Hospitality.
OLEANDER: Caution.
ORANGE BLOSSOMS/FLOWERS: Purity, innocence, eternal love, marriage and fruitfulness, fertility, pure loveliness, chastity.
ORANGE TREE: Generosity.
ORCHID: Rare beauty, love, refinement, beautiful lady, Chinese symbol for many children, mature charm, beauty, long life. Associated with twenty-eighth wedding anniversary.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Health Powers: Eases belching, flatulence and indigestion; treats respiratory conditions like coughing, asthma and loss of voice; aids in the elimination of toxins through your skin.
Health Powers: Eliminates gas from the stomach and intestines; soothes sore throat, cold and flu symptoms; increases metabolism for weight control. Daily
Health Powers: Tames nausea and stomach ulcers; functions as a mild anti-inflammatory; increases insulin sensitivity to help focus fat burn.
Health Powers: Calms bowel distress; supports milk production in nursing mothers; combats water retention.

Daily Dose: Stir a few freshly ground pinches of cardamom pods into a shot of OJ or your morning fruit salad, or mix it with white or brown rice before you boil it.

Dose: Stir into a cup of hot chocolate or any sweet juice drink for a contrasting flavor kick.

Daily Dose: Stir into coffee/tea, yogurt, oatmeal or any boxed cereal.
Daily Dose: Mix into your nightly ice cream treat or sneak into mustard spread.
Daily Dose: Grate a small amount into applesauce or plain yogurt. (Note: It’s safe to grate the entire nut, which you can usually buy whole at the supermarket, but you never want to consume more than one nutmeg per day because too much of this potent spice can cause stomach pain, double vision and other uncomfortable reactions.)
Celery Seed
Health Powers: Flushes the liver of toxins; lowers blood pressure; combats water retention.
Daily Dose: Think salads—tuna, potato and egg all work—which can be tossed onto a bed of lettuce, eaten alone or spread onto bread.
Health Powers: Acts as a diuretic; eases seasonal allergies.
Daily Dose: Cook into couscous and quinoa, which you can store and eat with leftovers.

Daily Dose: Add to canned minestrones and vegetable soups.
Daily Dose: Use in any tomato-based foods, like marinara sauces, pizza and soups.
Daily Dose: Toss into any meat-based dishes.
Health Powers: Reduces inflammation (joints, airways); detoxifies the liver.
Daily Dose: Mix in with oil-and-vinegar-based salad dressings.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
7 Simple ways to get organized
Why a to-do list keeps you healthy
Monday: Organize your inbox. Slip into the office an hour early for an uninterrupted cleaning session. Activate your out-of-office e-mail reply and turn off the auto chime for 2 hours. Create new electronic folders for contacts, projects, and meetings. Sort alphabetically, then redirect e-mails to folders or delete them. In the future, be relentless and begin filing/deleting e-mails on arrival. When you get a request for a project update, the information will be only a click away.
Tuesday: Calm cabinet chaos. Roll up your sleeves and tackle your kitchen cabinets. Gather two cardboard boxes. Place punch bowls and platters you haven't used in months in basement- or yard sale–bound boxes. Replace cabinet lining and sift through cans, teas, and cracker boxes, throwing out the expired and moving older cans to the front. Pour flour, cereal, and sugar into transparent plastic containers to keep them fresh and protected against bugs.
Wednesday: Create a hassle-free hall closet. Plow through the gear crowding the closet. Pair up miscellaneous shoes and place them on an over-the-door hanger; chuck sporting equipment into large, round wicker baskets and move them to the garage; discard worn-out sneakers. Group similar items such as umbrellas in a stout round container. And keep it seasonal: If sweltering temps have you in tanks every day, relegate the winter items to plastic storage boxes.
Thursday: Lick the linen closet. Pull out all like items and organize by shelf. Keep towels together and group by type: washcloths, hand towels, bath towels, etc. If tattered towels are in the mix, tear them into cleaning rags. Keep top sheets separate from bottom sheets. Put any appliances--hair dryers, irons, curlers--on another shelf, and toiletries on yet another.
Friday: Manage your meds. Sort through the prescriptions in your medicine cabinet. Trash expired drugs and throw out lotions and cosmetics you haven't used in the past 3 or so months. Put cotton swabs and cotton balls in easy-to-reach glass containers. Replace hand soaps and toothbrushes; stock extras for unexpected houseguests.
Saturday: Draft your family. Time to include them in the organization efforts. Identify on a cleaning schedule weekly and monthly tasks for each person. Create incentives: Pitch in and clean today, hit the amusement park next Saturday. Give each family member a job: vacuum, dust, do the laundry, get rid of outdated newspapers. Finish at noon and switch to relaxation mode.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
African Natural Hair Beauty
The nature of African hair is thick, coarse, curly and shrinks. It depends with individuals, some have it hard, soft, long, short, few and much. In whatever categories African women have options of styling it, for instance; they can palm it for easy brushing and styling or color it; but this depends on the likes. The rule is looking best at the right time plus the style you ware should match your what cloth inn. Different occasions have varities of styles, some of which you could create yourself or else you could let the professionals do it for you.
short long medium
Hair styles.
Cornrow styles
you could combine cornrows with extensions, kinky style, and hair bun style
Twist and Uzi
you could try twist with natural hair, dread rocks or threads
African Hair Bun
Hair bun is cool in occassions such as weddings, parties but even for casualities, or office. Remember the accessories additive matters.
Afro and Kinky styles

Afro and Kinky are more of home made, you just need a little bit of your time to be parfect
Palmed Hair
straight, clean, and styled
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
What do you love to do? What's your passion?
When you think of these questions widely, you would go wild. Incase you try to answer them, you will realize that most of us have lots of things we love to do but hardly know what we love most and what we do out of passion.
Definitely, it may be hard to sense it, since we are barely active on things we do with passion or become in the long run or because we have to many things we love to do. Surprisingly, we sometimes realize it when observed by others.
Definitely, it may be hard to sense it, since we are barely active on things we do with passion or become in the long run or because we have to many things we love to do. Surprisingly, we sometimes realize it when observed by others.
Passion is the energy that comes from bringing more of “You” into what you do. It is most evident when the mind, body and spirit work together to create, develop and articulate. The things done with passion occur when we find ourselves doing with persistence, enduring obstacles, enhancing and exploring our potentialities, and insuring accuracy. When we find that our minds, feelings and body reflex are devoted to them things.
Simply, it's being who you are and doing what comes naturally. When what you do is in alignment with who you are, you get energy from doing it.
When all this, is read out to you; with assurance you will know what you love to do most and do with passion.
Friday, April 30, 2010
*Special I am*
Have you ever imagined how special you are? Well, I did.
Every woman needs to realise how special they are; because one thing you should know is, You will never be like them, it will always be you. I often encounter these sentences around groups of women chit chats, 'Wow! She is beautiful,' referring to the other woman. Yeah! She is. Who said you are not?It would be best to spice up your personality by letting the good about your flow. The element of your speciality starts from within the Spirit by realising your strengths. The moment you realise it, your ego is lifted, and you will know there is no other than You.
Beauty is more than the outward; the inner being of you matters the most
I have this saying that reminds me of who I am:
"I am Me, Myself and I,
No one else can be like me,I don't care what people may sayCz I will always be MeThrough it all, I will stick to my creed."By Mercy
African Malkia
Africa is the third biggest continent found on Earth. Africa is known as the Black Natured continent; nevertheless the Northern Africa is made up of Arabs. Africa has a beautiful landscape with the Green nature, Mountains and Valleys, Deep and Shallow Waters, Deserts and Wilderness.
Africans are Special Unique Species under sun I would say, from their Natured Beauty of one soul to their external beauty. They are one of a Kind; with strong blood/genes that can not be escaped, wherever they go you will notice their existence.
Malkia is a Swahili word meaning the woman of the Royal Authority "Queen". She is a respected woman with decency and a ruler. Power and Ego is the shoe to her Royalty and Success.
African Malkia "African Queen" in Swahili "Malkia wa Afrika", defines the African women, their Beauty, Personality, Strength, Success, Challenges and how they encounter them. It helps African Women realize their position and who they are, and what they are worthy for.
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